To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Police Department

I want to get a restraining order against somebody, how do I do that?

There are several different kinds of restraining or protection orders.  The most common order that a person could ask for is called a Disorderly Conduct Restraining Order (DCRO).  Follow this link to the ND Courts Self-Help website that will give you the best answers and proper forms.

I just received a "3 Day Notice to Evict", now what?

This is just step 1 of the eviction process.  To better understand the process of eviction, follow this link, ND Courts Eviction for Landlords.  There is a lot of information on this site for both landlords and tenants.


What are the government office hours?

  • Office hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday thru Thursday.
  • Closed Fridays.
  • Closed Federal Holidays.

What is the recycling pick up schedule?

The City of Emerado does not have a recycling pick up schedule.  The city uses a centralized drop off location behind City Hall.

What day is trash picked up?

  • Every Tuesday.  Please have your tote at the curb by 7:00am.
  • Dumpsters emptied Wednesdays.

Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?

The city does require a burning permit which may be obtained from City Hall.  Permits are free of charge.

Who do I contact to rent the community center?

Call City Hall at 701-594-4542.

What address do I mail my payment to?

City of Emerado
P.O. Box 130
Emerado, ND 58228
Or pay online or use drop off box next to City Hall.

Fireworks FAQ

What does the city ordinance say?

16.0421 - Sale and Use Prohibited

The sale of fireworks anyplace within the City or the jurisdiction of the City is an offense punishable by a fine of up to $500 and 30 days in jail, or both. The use of fireworks within the City or the jurisdiction of the City is unlawful and is an offense punishable by a fine of up to $100.00.

Where can I use my fireworks?

You can use your fireworks on property outside Emerado city limits that you have permission to be on.

What are the city limits?

Unofficial city limit lines for Emerado 

Does the City of Emerado have a public fireworks display?

No.  The City of Emerado will not have a public fireworks display.

Is it illegal to possess fireworks?

No.  You may possess them within the city, just don't use them.

When can I buy fireworks?

You can purchase fireworks from June 27-July 5 and December 26-January 1.

You can click on the link below that will bring to the ND Attorney General's website for more details.

ND Attorney General Website of Fireworks

Is it too dry to use my fireworks?

You need to use some common sense here, if you think it is too dry, be safe don't use your fireworks.

But to help you decide, here is a link to the GF Emergency Management Website than can help.

Fires and Burn Ban Map - GF Emergency Management

Other questions or to report the use of fireworks.

If you have any other questions concerning fireworks or want to report someone that is using in the City of Emerado, you may contact:

Emerado Police Dept:  701-594-5100  (If no answer, please leave message.)

Emerado Volunteer FD: 701-594-2498